Sunday, August 16, 2015

Geoffroy's Marmoset

Geoffrey’s marmoset is an exceptionally distinctive monkey, most readily recognised for its conspicuous white cheeks, forehead and throat, which contrast starkly against its elongate black ear-tufts, tan to black face, and dark coat. The body is greyish-black mottled with yellow-orange on the upperparts, brown on the underparts, and the long black tail is lightly ringed. Like all marmosets, Geoffroy’s marmoset has incisor teeth that are specially adapted to carving out small holes in the trunks of trees, through which they drink the sap and gum that oozes out, which are an important food source. Like many primates, Geoffroy’s marmoset is a gregarious, social animal, and typically lives in family groups of eight to ten individuals, consisting of the dominant female, her mate and their offspring, with breeding usually restricted to the dominant pair. Young remain within a group, even when adult, and help care for their siblings. These ‘helpers’ gain valuable breeding experience, which may be used when suitable habitat becomes available for them to establish their own territory, as part of a dominant, monogamous breeding pair. Dominance is enforced by scent-marking, scolding, cuffing and eye command. This is accentuated in the female by pheromones produced in her scent glands, which inhibit ovulation in subordinate females, preventing them from breeding as long as they remain within the group. The dominant female typically gives birth to twins, although singletons and triplets also occur, after a gestation period of around 140 to 148 days. The father carries the young, which are completely dependent for the first two weeks. After this, all members of the group take turns in carrying. Infants are weaned and independent by five to six months, by which time they are capable of collecting their own food. Sexual maturity is reached at about 15 to 18 months of age, and individuals live around 10 years.

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